At Streamline Plastics we have all the equipment to fit your molding needs. All of our equipment is fully-automated, though every machine is carefully monitored by experienced molders to ensure the quality of every part. Many of our employees are RJG certified, giving them the knowledge they need to make your products perfect the first time.
We carry a wide array of resins that work for every plastic part, including engineering resins and more general purpose options. We work with our customers to discover the best plastic for their products.
Our molding machines include sprue pickers, conveyors, material loaders, grinders, material mixers, and material dryers. We also operate nine mold presses ranging from 120 to 500 tons of pressure for any size part and a counter top press specifically for parts that are 15 grams or less. Our machines are capable of hot runner, conventional, or manually operated molds.
We are proud to say we have never lost a mold—our security systems and careful storage keep all of our customers’ molds and products safe.